Sustainability at broadway two

With PV and on-site battery storage, EV charging, extensive cycle facilities, the use of biophilic design to promote biodiversity, and plans to create a ‘1km a day’ route around the wider park to encourage activity, Broadway Two shows that its sustainability credentials stretch far beyond technology and building materials.

Planting and landscaping will allow for the enhancement of species and their habitats in the surrounding area whilst green roofs and cladding will contain appropriate seed mixes for the area to further opportunities for biodiversity, creating bee corridors and the like.


A dynamic, flexible office with wellbeing and performance in mind.


A full fresh air system with a focus on indoor air quality monitoring and a minimum of 12 l/s/person in the workspace and open plan areas.


Lighting and emergency lighting throughout the workspace areas will utilise the latest LED technologies and integral lighting.


Recycling and reuse of water whenever possible to reduce water waste.


Onsite low and zero carbon technology (LZCT) - battery-optimised solar PV - contributing to a targeted EPC rating of A.


Ensuring the buildings acoustics performance including sound insulation meet the appropriate standards for its occupants purpose.


An interchange hub between more than two modes of sustainable travel.


Heating and cooling is delivered to the open plan spaces via VRF Air Source Heat Pump systems (ASHP). Our ASHP systems help to lower Broadway Two's carbon footprint by utilising renewable, natural sources of heat – air.


Signatory to Edinburgh Pollinator Pledge with the creation of bee corridors and the like.

Dramatically reduced environmental impact

Cut down your office carbon footprint impact by choosing a refurbished building such as Broadway Two rather than a new office building. Broadway Two will be able to run for nearly 24 years before it equals the embodied carbon impact of demolition and construction of a new office build.

PV cells have been optimised with the latest advances in battery technology. These combined technologies alone saves circa 11000kg of CO2 emissions per year.

The lighting throughout the workspace area utilises the latest energy-efficient LED technologies that adapt to changes in light level throughout the day to maximise good daylighting, whilst enhancing visual performance and comfort.

Dramatically reduced environmental impact

Cut down your office carbon footprint impact by choosing a refurbished building such as Broadway Two rather than a new office building. Broadway Two office will be able to run for nearly 24 years before it equals the embodied carbon impact of demolition and construction of a new office build.

PV cells have been optimised with the latest advances in battery technology. These combined technologies alone saves circa 11000kg of CO2 emissions per year.

The lighting throughout the workspace area utilises the latest energy-efficient LED technologies that adapt to changes in light level throughout the day to maximise good daylighting, whilst enhancing visual performance and comfort.